Exciting times sure seem to be in the wind. Don't you just wonder how it is all going to play out???!!! As spiritual beings, we all chose to be here in this human experience during this time! What were we thinking????????????????????????? ;o)
This next Thursday is scheduled for an "Open Forum" discussion. As it turns out, it is going to be another busy evening.
- We will start with our meditation at 7pm. So, if you are running late, please, wait outside the door until we finish.
- Right after our announcements, Corrine Switzer will finish up her talk about her new book, "The Reality of the Illusion" and her self-healing system, “The Science of Vibrational Medicine” which she wasn't able to finish in our August meeting.
- Then we have a special guest, Lynda Austin, who is visiting from the twin cities. Lynda is an Internationally renowned channel who has made it her life's mission to create accessible wisdom. Lynda has been in dialogue with her source, Essence, for over 20 years and now you can listen in too! She will briefly provide us with a special group reading. You can visit her website at http://www.dialogueswithessence.com/ Hopefully, we will be able to get Lynda back for a full presentation next year!
- During the last 1/2 hour to 45 minutes we will continue our discussion on "The Law of Attaction".
Our time together is always so magical! Looking forward to see you Thursday night!
Next Month, November 6th, 2008, Common Thread Meeting
"How to Read your own Soul Records in Stones"
Denise Poole's unique communion with stones has evolved over 20 years, 12 spent living in New Zealand where she amassed more than a million stones. Her awareness was forever altered as she became a conscious channel for Mother Earth. Over the years, she has given thousands of soul readings, providing inspiration and guidance to seekers worldwide.
"Humanity has an innate ability to communicate with all levels of Creation. As we share our journeys together, we discover --- or should I say 'remember' --- that we already know how to read our soul records in the stones!"
If anyone is interested they can call me direct at 641-469-5709 to reserve a time. Rates are $45/30 minutes or $90/hr....if a recorded session is desired, the client may bring along a cassette tape and I will be happy to record their session.