Monday - October 21st, 2013
The Hidden Hand is a controversial Award-winning documentary that explores the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military’s reverse-engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. Is preoccupation with E.T.’s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? The Hidden Hand is full of riveting interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Streiber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Col. John Alexander, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Dr. Roger Lier, Graham Hancock and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFOs is suddenly brought to light.
1 hour and 20 minutes
Monday - September 16th, 2013
Valley of the Bosnian Pyramids by Nigel GraceThis movie was taken from the presentation made by Nigel Grace at the Ozark Mountain UFO Conference 2013. You will examine the sense of mystery and wonder that Nigel Grace experienced as a volunteer and researcher in the Valley of the Bosnian Pyramids.
90 minutes in length
A popular speaker in the UK, Nigel is a researcher and volunteer for the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, a spiritual intelligence coach, businessman and author of the forthcoming book, “Bridge to the Worlds of Light”. At the age of 24, Nigel had an experience that changed every notion he held about life. When returning home from a meditation retreat, and looking up to the night sky, his mind was catapulted up into the universe and there he beheld a galaxy of stars that simultaneously appeared to exist inside him. Nigel then began a quest to unravel the meaning of that ultimate experience. He studied the development of human consciousness with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Dr. Deepak Chopra and promoted healing centres for Ayurveda in the UK and USA.
One night, above the star lit skies of Oregon, he saw a beautiful intense blue light with a triangular structure. As he watched this light, he received a profound transmission through a heart-to-heart contact with who Nigel felt was a majestic being of light. It revealed to him that the galaxy is full of intelligent species at different levels of spiritual development but there is too much fear in the world for these civilizations to reveal themselves to us. We must remove doubts and fears and acknowledge who we really are, and recognize that the larger family of life in the universe longs for us to realize that we are one with them.
Deeply moved by this transmission, Nigel sensed that his life purpose is to reawaken deep wisdom that had been passed down to us from both a higher galactic order and from our wisdom keepers from both the East and West. He lives in East Sussex, England with his wife, son and daughter.
This movie was taken from the presentation made by Nigel Grace at the Ozark Mountain UFO Confernece 2013. You will examine the sense of mystery and wonder that Nigel Grace experienced as a volunteer and researcher in the Valley of the Bosnian Pyramids.
Monday - August 19, 2013
WISDOM OF THE WAYSHOWERS...New Paths to the Future
Produced in 2012 |
This DVD documentary, hosted by Antara Brandner, reveals ten futurist thinkers who have been working tirelessly to assist Mother Earth. These thinkers include Astronaut Mitchell, Colin Andrews, Dr James Hurtak, Dr. Desiree Hurtak, and indigenous elder Dr. Will Goins, all of whom touch upon the issues of Outer Space and the harmony we seek with Mother Earth so as to gie ne insights into the greater realms of life. The pioneering work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dannion Brinkley, Howard Wills, Avon Mattison, and Barbara Marx Hubbard provides for a deeper sharing of breakthroughs in being the “wayshowers” who are now leading social change by combining intuition and spirituality with a new rationale for a positive future. |
49 minutes in length |
Monday - July 15, 2013
It's time for you to know.
Published on May 2013
"Sirius" chronicles the work of Dr. Steven Greer, an emergency room physician turned researcher, who launched the global disclosure movement to end UFO secrecy.
He has interviewed hundreds of government, military and corporate witnesses to UFO events. Dr. Greer also leads groups to make peaceful contact with E.T.s and is working to bring out the technologies that will get our civilization off fossil fuels.
The technology behind how UFOs get to earth hold the secret to how we can live on earth without pollution and poverty.
Follow Dr. Greer's work as seen through the eyes of Emmy award winning director, Amardeep Kaleka and his team at Neverending Light Productions.
Monday - June 17, 2013
The ILLUMINATI and The New Atlantis
Published on Jun 6, 2013
WINNER for Best Documentary from the New York Film Festival, The Los Angeles Film Festival and The Tele Awards. Discover Ancient Secrets of the Illuminati that affect our lives today in this Award Winning Feature Film. This is by far the best Feature Film ever Produced on the History of the Illuminati, and Masonic Civilization
Monday - May 20, 2013
Solar Revolution
This is a 1 hour and 47 minute movie just released in Europe in January and now available to us.
Does the sun have the power to transform humankind?
In SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION, world-renowned German biophysicist Dieter Broers makes a compelling case, pointing to a wealth of scientific evidence that shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental, and spiritual abilities.
Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed
In Alchemy - Sacred Secrets Revealed, we take an in-depth look at the
history and practical application of this most sacred science.Much of Alchemy is misunderstood and shrouded in mystery within magickal and
fraternal orders, it is our goal to unravel some of the aspects which remain
hidden behind conventional history.
Monday - March 18, 2013
INFINITY: The Ultimate Trip Journey Beyond Death
What happens after we pass from this world? Is there a life after this one? Or do we just disappear forever? These are the questions asked in this powerful and poignant feature documentary, Infinity: The Ultimate Trip. Many may be surprised by the answers.
Monday - February 18, 2013
The Akashic Records and the Illusion of Time
Do the Akashic Records, also known as "The Book of Life", contain experiences that have not yet occurred? How do we receive insight from them? Do our past, present, and future lives all occur at the same time, right NOW? This and much more on this fascinating topic is fully ... explored in an insightful manner by Kevin J. Todeschi, an expert on the Edgar Cayce readings and the Akashic Records.
December 17th - Monday Movie Night
FOODMATTERS "Let thy Food by thy Medicine" -Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.)
November 19th - Monday Movie Night
movie this month is a bit different from what we have done in the past. This movie will be a Group Hypnosis
by Doloris Cannon which guides the audience into a past life, a visit
with their guides/angels and into a future life. Suzanne Spooner and Susan Thomas have trained
under Doloris Cannon in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy.. QHHT. Before the movie begins Suzanne will take a
few minutes to explain what the experience will be like. Following the movie there will be time for
people to share what they 'saw' or experienced.
The movie itself is approximately 40 minutes in length for the first two
parts. (If time permits, we may view part three as well.)
Monday - October 15, 2012
Monday - September 17, 2012
Flipside: A Journey Into the Afterlife
Award winning filmmaker Richard Martini explores startling new evidence of life after death via "between lives," where we reportedly find loved ones, soul mates and spiritual teachers. Examines reports by people under deep hypnosis who claim to experience the same things in the Afterlife; interviews with Michael Newton, hypnotherapists, and filmed Past life regressions with music by Phillip Glass.
1 hour 31 minutes in length
Monday - August 20, 2012Out of the Blue (full film)
Producer James Fox and his team travel the globe, interviewing eyewitnesses and high-ranking military & government personnel about their UFO knowledge and experiences. As narrator, actor Peter Coyote guides the viewer through these interviews and through new and historic film footage & information related to the UFO Phenomenon.
1 hour 46 minutes in length
Monday - July 16, 2012
We will show five Bashar segments on July 16th. Each segment is between 9 to 5 minutes in length. Following each segment we will have a short discussion. Scott has been following Bashar for a number of years and will be on hand to offer his expertise.
These are the Bashar topics that we will be watching and discussing:
1. Bashar Interviewed by Alan Steinfeld of "New Realities"
2. Bashar on Abundance
3. The Physics of Intention
4. Raise Your Frequency
5. Tips for 2010-2015 Years Span
Monday - June 18, 2012
Ancient Wisdom of the Maya, A One Heart Journey to Guatemala with Drunvalo Melchizedek & Don Alejandro. Below is a 7 minute YouTube video about this 108 minute movie:
Monday - May 21, 2012
I AM (78 minutes)
I AM is the story of a successful Hollywood director, Tom Shadyac (LIAR LIAR, NUTTY PROFESSOR, BRUCE ALMIGHTY), who experienced a life threatening head injury, and his ensuing journey to try and answer two very basic questions:
"What's wrong with our world?" and "What can we do about it?"
With a film crew of four, Tom visits some of today's great minds, including authors, poets, teachers, religious leaders, and scientists (Howard Zimm, Lynn McTaggart, Desmond Tutu, Thom Harmann, Cole Barks) searching for the fundamental endemic problem that causes all of the other problems, while simultaneously reflecting on his own life choices of excess, greed and eventual healing.
"We started by asking what's wrong with the world, and ended up discovering what's right with it." -- Tom Shadyac
Monday - April 16, 2012
Indigo Evolution
This documentary explores the Indigo children phenomenon through interviews with experts, Indigo kids, and parents. Indigo Evolution takes us through the origins of the concept of this unique evolution in human history, exploring the implications and potential of this challenging and inspiring new group of humans.
Monday - March 19th, 2012
The Camino of Saint Francis by James Twyman
Follow in the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi. Join James Twyman and forty other pilgrims as they walk along the same paths and roads Saint Francis would have walked eight hundred years ago on his way to Assisi. This incredible adventure will inspire you and remind you how important prayers for peace can be in changing the world. You'll not only witness the historic Pilgrimage, but will also join the audience when James performs The Peace Concert on the eve of Pope's visit to Assisi, along with leaders from the other major religions of the world.
For information on walking the Camino yourself, or joining James on other pilgrimages, go to
Monday - February 20, 2012
Finding Joe
"Finding Joe" was produced in collaboration with the Joseph Campbell Foundation of San Francisco. It features the wisdom of Campbell, the great mythologist and anthropologist, who became famous thanks to PBS and his three part series of interviews with Bill Moyers. This movie focuses on Campbell's concepts of the "hero's journey" and "following your bliss." It is about avoiding a life that is never fully lived at its most authentic level. Campbell encourages courageous individuals to carve out their individual path to spiritual enlightenment while slaying the inevitable personal dragons (fears) along the way.
Monday - January 9, 2012
WAKE UP, a story of a young man's journey into a new reality.
Monday - December 19, 2011
THRIVE - What on earth will it take?
The world is waking up!
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream-uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Monday - November 21, 2011
"Time Travel is a Fact" by Jim Sparks. The video was filmed this year (2011) at the MUFON Symposium in Irvine, California.
Monday - September 19, 2011
Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates
Is there really such a thing as soul mates? According to Edgar Cayce, yes. But his definition of "soul mates," "twin souls," and "perfect partners" may differ from what you're expecting. For decades, Cayce provided thousands of individuals with insights into the nature of their personal relationships. What is unique about Todeschi's book is that it explores the development of relationships over time, played out within the framework of reincarnation. In addition to discussing soul mate relationships, their connection to the cyclic pattern of reincarnation, and the nature of loneliness, this books looks at the fundamentals of soul attraction and provides contemporary examples of the same principles discussed by Cayce.
Monday - August 15th - Movie Night
David Wilcock is publishing a new book to be released on 8/23 entitled The Source Field Investigations. Previously, David spoke about the material in the book at the Boston Convergence. This speech was posted to a YouTube video a few days ago, which we have converted to DVD for our movie night. David describes the video and book as follows:
Human ETs visited Earth in the 1950s and told us Ascension would be attainable in the near future, thanks to a natural cycle. Stunning new videos and documents have emerged to make the case!
Beginning in the late 1940s and early 1950s, human ETs began a systematic campaign to contact people in many different countries around the world.
How could there be humans that look like us -- but were never born on Earth?
In my new book The Source Field Investigations, debuting August 23rd, I give wonderful new evidence that DNA begins as an energy wave -- and does not require any physical molecule to exist.
The structure of DNA therefore exists throughout the Cosmos. We are a Universal and Galactic design, not a product of random mutations on Earth -- and humans have independently evolved on many different worlds.
In my opinion, this is the single biggest surprise that we have in store for us when Disclosure finally does occur -- and it definitely will. It is a question of when, not if -- but some will refuse to believe it until it actually happens.
There is dramatic evidence of a media campaign to tell us the truth that is continually becoming more and more powerful and persistent -- but the latest details will have to wait for future articles.
Being outside of time, these ET visitors to Earth have been doing their best to prepare us for a coming Golden Age that, in their view, was extremely imminent -- even in what we call the 1950s.
This was definitely not the first time they had come here.
I will be making this point, and many others, in a comprehensive new 90-minute documentary film that we expect to release on my YouTube channel before the end of the month, free of charge -- entitled The Source Field Investigations.
We filmed this movie at the Boston Convergence and it is now in post-production -- with the same quality as our much-loved Access Your Higher Self video series!
I expect this new video will be at least as popular as 2012 Enigma -- and perhaps more so, as I grounded it even more in provable science from the book, and tied up a lot of loose ends from the original classic. I'm very excited about it!
Monday - July 18th, 2011
EDGAR CAYCE on Healing
One pioneer of holistic health car in the 20th century was the medical clairvoyant, Edgar Cayce --- even labeled by the Journal of the American Medical Association as the "father of holistic medicine". On more than 9,000 occasions over 43 years of work, Cayce used his remarkable intuitive diagnostic skill to pinpoint the causes of baffling illnesses and to recommend treatments.
Many of today's most remarkable methods for wellness - such as nutrition, exercise, meditation and the important role of attitudes and emotion - were all recommended by Edgar Cayce decades ago. Experience the breadth of Cayce's vision of healing and discover what it can mean to your own good health.
Monday - June 20th, 2011
Inelia Benz Interview with Bill Ryan of Project Avalone
In this fascinating personal interview, Inelia Benz talks to Project Avalon's Bill Ryan about her life and her mission to this planet.
It's an extraordinary story, and many people who have seen this video have been very moved and inspired. The subjects Inelia discusses go to the very heart of who we are, and the situation we are in. Of all the interviews Bill Ryan has done in Project Camelot and Project Avalon, he considers this may be the most important to date.
A comment I'd like to make: for some, watching this entire video from beginning to end may be a transformational event. Don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling emotional, moved, inspired, elevated, or having new realizations about yourself, about reality, or about any aspect of what's going on in the world. This is the territory we're journeying in.
Monday - May 16th, 2011
The Horse Boy
The Horse Boy does more than chronicle Rowan and his parents' journey across the vast, wild landscape of Mongolia. It delves into the strange world of autism itself, the relationship between humans and animals and between different cultures and different ways of being (autistic vs. normal, or "neuro-typical"), and the nature of healing. Audiences hear the varied theories on autism from the experts in the field, well-known researchers of autism such as Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge University; Dr. Temple Grandin, recovered autist and professor of animal behavior at Colorado State University; and anthropologist and researcher Roy Richard Grinker of George Washington University. But above all, The Horse Boy tells the story of a couple that goes to the end of the earth to find a way into their son's life.
A Father/Son Story
More and more films are being made about the vital role that fathers play in the development of their children. Society is entering a new era of parenting, when fathers, instead of being emotionally distant breadwinners, are stepping up to the plate of direct, hands-on parenting. The special bond between father and son is one of the greatest gifts life can offer. The Horse Boy tells this story. See trailer
Monday - April 18th - Movie Night
Our movie will be shown in the Greenwood room at Plymouth starting at 7pm. We will be showing Edgar Cayce on Intuition. This movie is 60 minutes in length. You'll find details on the movie if you scroll down on the right side of this page.