Tools for Living and the Four Auric Types of
The Human Design System, the Science of
Setting the Context: For those of you who are new to Human Design, what
is most amazing about this comprehensive system is its fundamental
understanding of the 'mechanics of differentiation,’ or exactly why we
are so incredibly unique and different from each other. Those differences
are captured by a chart maker fed just three bits of information: your birth
date, birth time and birth place. The resulting chart reveals what is
most consistently and reliably you during this lifetime.
Tools for Living: Human Design’s three simple tools for living are perhaps its most profound contribution to humankind: understanding your auric TYPE, following your STRATEGY and paying attention to your inner AUTHORITY. Together they are your most direct path to personal transformation, self awareness and self acceptance. By understanding and applying these three tools to everyday living, the life you were born to live quite naturally unfolds before you. As it does so, you are empowered...
experience new levels of confidence in decision making,
fulfill your true purpose in life, and to comfortably take your unique place in the whole.
STRATEGY: Your Type determines
your relationship Strategy. Strategy is best described as strategic
behaviors which reduce or eliminate the uncomfortable resistance you often meet
in interaction with others and with life in general. Not only
is your aura sending out a unique frequency that distinguishes you from all
others, it is sending out cues that tell people precisely how you are designed
to connect with them. This simple
Strategy, tailor-made for you, it makes
all the difference in your life. Strategy
for the four Types can be summarized in this way:
Manifestors learn to inform others of their intentions in
order to reduce resistance to their initiating.
Generators and Manifesting Generators wait until
they are asked or something comes towards them so they have something specific to respond to.
Projectors look for a proper invitation that comes
with recognition of their talents and abilities – and a tangible reward.
Reflectors need to be asked or
invited to share their valuable reflections on what is true and just.
AUTHORITY: Following your
Strategy attunes you to your Authority. Your Center of inner Authority guides you on your path in
life. It is like having your own GPS. As you pay more attention to
it, trusting it to make decisions that are correct for you, you will experience
a new level of confidence in your ability to navigate life as yourself. It
facilitates contributing your insights and suggestions at just the right time
and prepares you to be open to really hearing others. Most importantly, trusting your personal
Authority liberates your Mind from decision making in order for its wisdom to
be of service to others.
As simple and sometimes silly as all this sound to our
sophisticated Minds, the tools for living are substantiated by the
multi-billion part substructure of the matrix that lies beneath and supports
the BodyGraph as you see it. That is why Type, Strategy and
Authority together establish one of the most profound truths in Human
Design. If you are intentional about your Strategy and are thereby
attuned to your personal Authority, your life’s purpose and your potential
for differentiation will automatically emerge through each correct decision you
make. Self acceptance follows and life
takes on a new ease, which makes being
intentional in your experiment more than worth the effort.
Summary of the Four Auric Types: Two
of the Types are referred to energy Types.
They are Manifestors, with their built-in capacity to vision, initiate and
complete a process; and Generators
(includes Manifesting Generators) who have the enviable stamina to persevere
until their commitment to an action or person is fulfilled.
1 – Manifestors
now comprise about 10% of the population.
Your assertive aura moves outward, pushing interference and people out
of your way. Your aura can be sensed by
others when you enter a room, which is sometimes misinterpreted as your needing
to be in charge. This, in turn, causes
their auras to contract or pull in.
Their auras will relax when you make your intentions clear by informing
them of why you are there, or what you are about to do or say. A disarming
smile as you enter often puts people at ease to begin with.
You are the only Type
designed to initiate your life. Your
gift is to see forward; you can envision what you want as well as exactly what
it will take for you to realize that vision for yourself. You rarely need any assistance from others,
which is why you don’t understand that what you do should matter to
anyone. But your manifesting does impact
people, and the way they react if not
courteously informed is to try to stop you, or repress you. Thwarting your plans, your forward momentum,
is viewed as resistance to you personally
and gives rise to strong feelings of anger within you. When you experience this anger it is probably
because you haven’t taken the time to properly inform the people around you of
how what you are doing is impacting them.
Simply take a deep breath and politely inform those most directly
affected by your actions of your intentions and how they might be impacted by -
or how they might participate in - the plan.
This kind of informing does not come naturally to you, but it is well
worth the effort required to put it into practice.
2 – Generators
comprise about 35% of the population and MG’s another 35% for a total of
70%. Your large, enveloping aura draws everything
and everyone in your life to you, embracing them like a big hug. To know
exactly what is right for you, all you have to do is listen for your inner
response to come bubbling up from your midsection as a sound: ah huh’,
or unh’ uh. The key is to wait until
you feel yourself responding to someone or some idea or situation or request for
your energetic resources before you speak or act.
If you persist on initiating
an action or pushing ahead like a Manifestor, without a responsive ah huh’
behind you, it will most likely be met with a blank look or a polite brush
off. The result of such resistance is
frustration for you. It won’t be because
the substance of your offering is of no value.
It is because you were working against yourself, against the way your
aura sets the stage for you to communicate it.
If you want your words or actions to really count, wait until others
turn to you and ask you for them. Until
then, it is better to say little and patiently wait for your aura to do its
work. Waiting for you is a state of
Manifesting Generators are
not a separate type, but a variation of the Generator. You are designed to respond like a Generator
so must follow a Generator strategy. The
big difference is that Generators progress through a project a step a time,
methodically, while MG’s see ways to get from beginning to end more quickly on
their own - if they have entered the
process correctly to begin with. The
moral of this story is that if you want something done well, ask a Generator. If you want it done efficiently or quickly,
ask a MG – but be aware that the MG may skip important steps and have to go
back to do them later.
Two types are referred to as
non-energy Types: Projectors focus on assessing and
assisting the energy Types (Manifestors and Generators) in how to use their
energy efficiently for everyone’s benefit.
They are our guides, our energy choreographers. It is their job to mediate the catalytic
initiating energies of the Manifestor and the strong generating and persevering
energy of Generators. Reflectors are
our “judges” and ‘sensors’ who hold us accountable and help us see ourselves
3 – Projectors: comprise about 21% of the population. You were born with an ability to see the big
picture. You have a sense of yourself
that you take for granted so benefit most from understanding the other three
Types. In other words, you learn about
yourself indirectly by mastering how to interact with other auras. Your larger
auric presence is like an active invitational field. The message it sends says you are open to
being invited by investors who recognize your broad perspective and ability to
manage their energy resources for them.
Your personal aura focuses on
one person at a time, penetrating right to their core. It is like a key looking for its lock and
what you seek are investors. When you
find the right one, you are able to release and efficiently manage the energy
or resources held inside them – but you must wait to be invited by the other
person (or group) first in order to do so.
Their invitation lets you know if they are the right investor for you –
for it must also be accompanied by the proper remuneration.
When you feel bitter or
rejected or unsuccessful, it is not necessarily because your idea or
perspective or suggestion is off, but because your timing is. You probably didn’t wait until people were
open and ready for your input. The
secret to your success is to allow your aura to do the work for you; it will
quietly draw people’s attention to you so you can accept the invitations that
are right for you. Being asked to trust
your aura may sound silly, but you can experiment with this yourself. Just remain silent until people in the group
turn to you and invite you to mediate or manage or nurture or bring depth and
correction to the discussion, to provide them with a broader point of view or
how best to utilize their valuable gifts and resources. Notice the ease with which it all happens and
how sweet the taste of success that comes naturally when your aura has set the
stage for you first.
To lead or guide a group,
learn to ask penetrating ‘yes/no’ questions that bring clarity to Generator
thinking and engage Generator’s persevering energy and creative resources. To involve Manifestors, inform them of the
kind of initiating energy needed to be a catalyst for the group; then stand
back to see if any of the Manifestors rise to taking the risks involved.
4 – Reflectors: Reflectors are rare, comprising less than 2%
of the population. Reflector’s auras
take in the energy of others very deeply, but it doesn’t “stick.” They have an extraordinary inner connection
to the movement of the moon and planets.
They truly see what is in alignment with justice - and what isn’t.
This information is about letting your auras begin
each conversation, setting the tone
for each interaction, and paving the way for your insights and ideas, hopes and
desires, to emerge naturally - all before you even open your mouth. Because we are not used to applying these simple
communication-enhancing techniques, they can feel like a road block to getting
the job done, at least in the beginning.
To the contrary, being intentional about breaking barriers to
communication and honoring other’s auras automatically takes the potential
inherent within any process to the next octave.
The result is a form of union, a communing of feelings, ideas,
experiential wisdom and learned knowledge.
In this way our ‘gifts differing’ become absorbed into a whole, like
separate ingredients in a recipe. What
results is serendipitous – and beyond the control of any single participant in
the interaction. This is ‘auric
communion,’ fulfilling the consciousness potential of our new 9-centered
forms. And it begins with personal
awareness of our auric presence in the world.
As Ra Uru Hu, founder of The
Human Design System says, “Love yourself.”
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Very excellent scope for the practical uses of applied aura awareness. Awareness through trusting the natural systems of our bodies is replacing the hemispheres of our brains, inviting an "Opening up" and expanding of overall possibility of what life can be and what it can become. Thank you for an excellent and thorough read about aura types, strategies, and inner authorities. I feel much more comfortable knowing how my aura influences my personal experience and it boosts my confidence that any of this is even possible.
Peace and positive energy blessings!
Well it works for some people and not for others. When Ra started teaching, he did not have types at all- only 2 modes: to do and to wait. And he had centers and channels, something more I can´t remember. The original Human Design was very different. He added lot of stuff later.
Ra was very smart. Not all the knowledge came from Voice. Or he made up himself everything- it´s quite something to come up with :)
If those types happen to be true, I don´t really think so, then who will do stuff? Generator is waiting, projector is waiting to be invited, reflector is reflecting under some tree....
So why don´t manifestors all the work for other types. They are waiting most of the time and it might happen that person waits and waits, responding to something/someone gives bad gut feeling for generator and nobody invites projector etc
Its ridiculous.
Why haven´t any clairvoyants, who can see the auras, said something about 4 types. They should be able to tell.
Then there are lot of other things, among them are channels. I´ve been thinking about the channel 15-5 Rhythm- people who have it. have unusually large aura and stand out energetically- they get noticed. If generator have big aura and he/she has this channel, does that mean he/she has even bigger aura than other generators who doesn´t have that channel? Or all generators have it?
I think other types cannot have that full channel, cause it connects G center with sacral.
It´s better not to take Human Design 100% truth. Have to see what works and what can be left behind.
If those types happen to be true (I don´t really think so) then who will do stuff? Generator is waiting to respond, projector is waiting to be invited, reflector is reflecting under some tree....
So why don´t manifestors do all the work.
Other types are waiting most of the time and it might happen that person will wait & wait, maybe will respond to something or someone, but the gut feeling might "say"no. And nobody invites projector, reflector most wait lunar cycle (28 days) etc
Its kind of ridiculous.
Why haven´t any clairvoyants, who can see the auras, said something about 4 types. They should be able to tell are there types or there are even more of them.
Then there are other things in HD, among them are channels.
I´ve been thinking about the channel 15-5 (it is called Rhythm)-
people who have it, have unusually large aura and stand out energetically- they get noticed.
If generator have big aura and he/she has this channel, does that mean he/she has even bigger aura than other generators who doesn´t have that channel? Or all generators have it?
Hey Very Nice Blog!!! Thanks For Sharing!!!!
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