Saturday, September 22, 2012

October 4th - Common Thread Group

The Common Thread Group will meet on October 4th in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church beginning at 7pm.  We will open with a brief meditation, followed by a few short announcements (Please everyone, try to keep these short and sweet.  Remember, you can place additional information on the tables.), and then Cathy Lindsay will give her report on the astrological outlook for the month.

It will be an exciting evening as our topic this month will be presented by Elizabeth Smith who is a Certified Teacher for the
Awakening the Illuminated Heart® by Drunvalo Melchizedek.    

Remembering Who We Are

You are One with the Creator of this universe, and you always have been. Because you are One with the Creator you can personally change the world and bring peace and beauty to this entire planet. But you must change yourself first. You simply have to remember who you are. –    Drunvalo Melchizedek

For as long as I can remember, I have had my own knowing of who God was.  My beliefs were strong; they were just a part of me, despite the religious and familial beliefs that were such a compelling influence in my life. 

 As I went through my life, I looked for others who shared this knowing.  With each passing year that I did not find them, I did not forgo my beliefs, but I held them in a little more.  I had a fear of how others would perceive me if they didn’t understand my view of God and the Universe.  I didn’t understand this fear because of the deep love and knowing for what I knew of God.  I felt alone, freakish at times.  I questioned where I would have gotten such crazy ideas.  No matter the fear, these beliefs were of me and I found great solace and comfort in them inwardly, quietly, on my own.

Blessedly, I was introduced to the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek and finally, I realized that my knowing, my intimate connection to God was not just something I made up in my own head.  This ancient, sacred knowledge that Drunvalo shares was exactly the resonance I had been seeking all of my life

Drunvalo created the Awakening the Illuminated Heart ® workshop to assist us in remembering who we are.  To once again live and create through the Oneness of our Hearts to ascend into Higher Consciousness.

It is truly my great joy and honor to be a Certified Teacher for the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop.  I look forward to sharing more about these sacred teachings with you. 

Elizabeth will be teaching this 4 day workshop at Community Christ Church in West Des Moines on November 7 - 10, 2012

Telephone 319-361-9155.

For additional information visit

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 6th - Common Thread Group

The Common Thread will meet in Waveland Hall of Plymouth Church on Thursday, Sep 6th, at 7pm.  We will begin with a short meditation, followed by a few short announcements, and Cathy Lindsey's monthly astrological report.
This month, as we get immersed further into the crazy energies, our own Lea Stermer will speak to us and help us alleviate and transform some of these nagging issues.
Lea's presentation is:   
Lea says,   "Recently I realized that over the last 13 years I had acquired many healing modalities that I wanted to share with you.
Self healing and channeling have made a definite impact on my life so we’ll talk about these.  I will also do some Channeling for the group and individuals." 

About Lea Stermer:
In my professional life, I was responsible for directing hospital dietetic services departments. If I may say so, criticism of hospital food is often overblown. We had a 98% approval rating in our patient food service and our cafeteria. Now that I have set that record straight, let me tell you about my spiritual journey.
About 10 years ago a friend asked if I would like to attend a series of classes on human energy fields. I had absolutely no idea what the class would be about. Metaphysics was a word that meant nothing to me.
I took the classes and WOW, did my life ever change. It was as if I had been living in the dark all those years. Teachers showed up, books fell off the shelf in book stores, mentors entered my life, classes were offered, friends came into my life with similar interests, energy healers appeared, massage therapists came, and seminars were advertised.
Divine Spirit/God/Source became my focal point. My life began moving so fast toward Divine Spirit that it was as if I were on a freight train, holding on as tight as I could because of the speed. It has been an absolutely wonderful experience.
I had no intention of becoming a healer/teacher. I thought I was learning just for my own growth. I started with becoming a Reiki Master to heal myself as my health was not the best – actually it was pretty bad. I struggled with arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. etc. I limped when I walked, and stairs were a challenge. Peopled asked me when I would have a hip replacement. My hands ached all the time. Now I move with more ease and I now feel so healthy and vigorous that I have taken up parasailing.
 Once I learned Spiritual Release Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring, Spiritual Healing Patterns, EFT and ZPoint, I was hooked on healing. This was something that had to be shared with others.
Spirit never rests and is always adding to the depth of healing open to me.
So now you know who I am and how I got here. Come join me in this spiritual adventure and see how life can be richer, more joyful, and healthier.
Email me at
Telephone (515)-296-2845 Ames Ia.
 A copy of Lea's handouts is HERE