Friday, May 29, 2009

June 4th - Common Thread Group

Our June 4th meeting will be in Waveland 1 and 2 this month. So, watch for the signs when you get upstairs or off of the elevator. The meeting will begin at 7pm with our usual short meditation followed by Cathy Lindsey’s astrological update. If you have anything to share with the group, such as other group meetings, items that are revenue generating, or community events, please bring fliers to place on the table by the door for the group to pickup. During announcements you may mention briefly your event and that information is available on the table.

This month our speaker will be Robert Baca. Robert is a Psychic Medium and has appeared on various radio and television shows throughout the country. He has been featured in several different newspapers and magazines, including FATE magazine. Recently he was a Guest Speaker for Edge Life's Expo in Minneapolis and Des Moines.

We have asked Robert to speak to us about his experiences and connecting with the “Other Side”. It is not our intent that Robert spends the evening doing readings. However, Robert said that he cannot control Spirit. Robert’s presentation will be on connecting with the “Other Side”. He will explain that our loved ones, guides and higher selves are constantly sending messages to us. Are we connecting? Are we listening? Robert will raise our awareness and give us insight to further our development and communication with the “Other Side”. He will, also, answer our developmental questions and deliver messages as given by Spirit.

Visit Robert Baca’s website at for more information or you may contact him at for personal readings at 515 278-5033. Robert will be appearing at the 20th Annual Iowa Metaphysical Fair, June 6th and 7th in the 4-H Building, Iowa State Fair Grounds.