This will be an evening you will NOT want to miss!
Our speaker will be our own Duon Almitra. The title of her presentation is “The Sunshine Buffet – Food for Thought”.
As a teaser, she suggests that we bring a “full spectrum appetite”. She will speak on many related topics of life style, science, and folk lore. One topic will be HRM Sungazing. If you want a little preview, try, or simply google the topic. Duon’s goal for the evening is that we will leave loosening our belts and expanding our minds with more questions than we thought we could think. She suggests we wear attire that is….. “colorful”. The frosting on the spiritual cake …... DOOR PRIZES! So we suspect it will be a very entertaining evening!
Duon has been a speaker for Common Thread a number of times over the years and has a great following as a Shiatsu practitioner here in Des Moines.