The reason we are not starting with our usual meditation is because are speaker this month is Charles Day whose topic is "Introduction to Meditation and Buddhism". Charles will lead us through one of his meditations during his presentation.
Brief Biography
Charlie graduated from Roosevelt High School and received his BA in Journalism and Ph.D in Clinical Psychology from the University of Iowa. He worked mostly in California but also in California, India, and Thailand as a psychologist, psychotherapist, consultant, and teacher before retiring in 1997.
He’s trained and supervised psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists, and developed and directed mental health programs for Head Start children, juvenile delinquents, drug addicts, abused children and their families, and the Hispanic community.
After working eight years in Asia, he returned to Des Moines in 1994 to work for the Des Moines Child and Adolescent Guidance Center until retiring.
Charlie has studied meditation practices and spiritual traditions for over 40 years and now devotes much of time teaching and writing about meditation and Buddhist philosophy.
He’s the founder and guiding teacher of the Des Moines Meditation and Mindfulness Group, leads weekly meditation groups and occasional retreats in Des Moines and at the Iowa State prison for women in Mitchellville, and administers the Group’s website, on which many of his articles appear. He especially enjoys guiding individuals in their meditation and spiritual practices.
Charles W. Day
3100 Grand Ave., Apt. 4F
Des Moines, IA 50312
Telephone: 515-255-8398