Our speaker this month is our own dear Laura Jones. Laura will present....
"New Age Sacred Cows and Dogmas"
Debrief from the "Old" New Age. Entertain the joy and freedom of the "New" New Age!
Non-truths driving you crazy?
Can't fake it anymore?
Dramas seem unbearable?
Tired of fixing yourself?
Be a part of the "New"! Discuss day to day, down to earth approaches to community and individual oneness practice and being. Tools and ideas to embrace your own philosophy of life. Ease into your own personal, perfect, fit with the Oneness.
Please come! Be One with your community and be One with yourself. Or...... Be One with yourself and be One with the community. Choice.
For over 16 years, Lauracle, Laura Jones has been doing intuitive readings, coaching, mentoring and teaching in Des Moines and through out the Midwest. Laura's reason for doing her life's work is to assist you in 'opening doors to more love, joy and gratitude'.
Laura's intuition was enhanced after experiencing trauma in her youth. Later in life through travel, crystal work, reiki, meditation, body work, breath work, Hindu, Buddhist and Christian studies she opened to her gifts and now works full time to empower others. She is considered to be compassionate, loving and an inspiration to many.
Most recently Laura has been teaching her unique and popular Lauracle Method classes on developing your own natural intuition. She also likes to teach her workshops that help sensitive people and empaths deal with energies. She is available for readings, mentoring, crystal healings, workshops and classes.
Lauracle Compassionate Psychic Guidance, Intuitive Life Coach and Mentor
515-975-6331 www.Lauracle.com JonesLaura@aol.com