Our speaker for August had to cancel at the last minute, so Steve Stone (also known as Stevie) has volunteered to facilitate a discussion on “Disclosure” and related current events. Disclosure has come to be defined as the governments of the world admitting that they have been in communication with ETs for over sixty years. Recently there have been many channelings and other reports about a very strong ET presence around Gaia leading up to first contact and assistance we can receive from them leading up to ascension. Steve’s attention was first drawn to this area five years ago after reviewing Dr. Steven Greer’s work.
“This is really ‘out there’ for a lot of people,” Steve says. “But there is so very much information on the internet, channeling and otherwise that seems to ring very true to a lot of people. This is cutting edge with the information progressing daily and in a tone that is: soon-soon-soon.” He intends to have pass-outs highlighting many of the best web sites and a summary of key issues. Bring your skepticism as well as an open mind. This will be interesting.
Bibliography for the evening's discussion:
Much of the discussion this evening is summarized in an E-book, The Importance of DISCLOSURE, by Steve Beckow. This free book was downloaded by Steve Stone and reformatted to a Word doc. You can get a copy in post announcing this meeting in the Common Thread blog (http://thecommonthreaddm.blogspot.com/).
This bibliography is also available on the Common Thread blog for ease in clicking into the web sites listed.
Following is a bibliography of web sites and topics that can be researched for more detailed and more current information:
Galactic Channelings- compilation of 7 or more channelers communicating with Galactic Federation, Matthew, SaLuSa, and others http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/index.html
2012 Scenario (MAIN WEBSITE) over 4,000 articles archived on this website, updated daily http://www.stevebeckow.com
Matthew www.matthewbooks.com
SaLuSa from Sirius http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
Planetary Activation Organization including Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/
Ascension 101 http://ascension101.com/
First Contact http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/fc-index1.html
The Essays of Brother Anonymous http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/index.html
New Maps of Heaven http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/nmh/nmh-index1.html
From Darkness Unto Light: A Cross-Cultural Dictionary of Enlightenment
You are invited to tune into ET/First Contact Radio ET/First Contact Radio – Host Maarten Horst (Netherlands) Every Monday 7 PM GMT, 2 PM ET, 11 AM PT
Other sites discussing Disclosure and related topicsbut which are not channeling based:
NESARA – history and general provisions http://www.wethepeopleforpeace.org/default.html
Steven Greer – one of the earliest advocates for disclosure http://www.disclosureproject.org/
David Wilcock http://divinecosmos.com/
Project Camelot dealing partially with whistleblowers http://projectcamelotproductions.com/index.html
David Icke – the first person to question the source of 9/11 http://www.davidicke.com/
Bored? Google:
UFO/ET Disclosure First Contact NESARA Accountability Terraforming Ascension 2012 Golden Age David Wilcock Carl Johann Calleman Ian Xel Lungold Drunvalo Melchizedek Andi Mac Jag Steward Patricia Diane Cota Robles Lauren Gorgo Lisa Renee Kerry Cassidy Bill Ryan Inelia BenzRelated Documents: The Importance of DISCLOSURE The Importance of DISCLOSURE Appendix