Thursday, April 26, 2012

May 3rd, 2012 - Common Thread Group

Our May 3rd meeting begins at 7pm at Plymouth Church in Waveland Hall.  We will begin with the usual meditation, followed by a few short announcements, and Cathy Lindsey's monthly Astrological report.

I'm excited to welcome one of our dear members, Denise Vazquez, as our speaker with a very timely topic....
Mothering our mother earth.   Denise will provide answers to common questions that prevent us from moving forward in the right direction to purify our environment.  One person does make a difference; one person makes all the difference!  I will shed light on various ways to make this a better world for all of us, from the proper way to recycle, to new uses for old things, from non-toxic facial toner, to chemical free compost activator, from homesteading to buying local, etc.  Small changes make a big impact!  We can do this!

Denise graduated summa cum laude from upper Iowa university with a bachelor's in elementary education.  Currently working from home, doing intuitive readings while raising two children, volunteering in the community, teaching what she knows, and playing in the dirt.  Denise is Clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and claircognizant:  seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing what most do not.  She loves to teach others to use their abilities!  Harassed by her guides to teach environmentalism for years, she has finally given! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Indigo Interest - Send Email

There has been some interest by some parents to create an
"Indigo Kid Club".
Kimberly Kelley has decided to see what she can do to actually make this happen.
If you have an interest, please contact Kimberly via email at .

Thank you Kelley!  This is such an important task for the children and for the parents!