Sunday, June 24, 2012

July 5, 2012 Common Thread Meeting

Since Common Thread is the day after Independence Day this year, and many people are busy or on vacation, our meeting is going to be a little different than usual.

We will begin at 7pm in Waveland Hall at Plymouth, as usual, but this month we will have an informal  "Get Acquainted" time.  There are so many new faces among us, and we really do not have the time in our normal meetings to just meet, get to know one another, and chat.   It's a chance for us all to learn more about each other.  It's important that we work together as spiritual beings.   Then if we want to, we can break into smaller groups to discuss different topics that might be of interest to each of us. 

If you are in town, on July 5th, I hope that you'll join us!

Wishing you love and light in every aspect of your life!
Bev Stone
The Common Thread Group