Sunday, July 15, 2012

August 2nd - Common Thread Group

The Common Thread Group will meet in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church on August 2nd, beginning at 7pm.  We will begin with a short meditation, a few short announcements (and please do keep these short especially this month), followed by Cathy Lindsay's Astrological report.

We will have two presentations for our August meeting: 

Part 1 - Kevin Thoren will be speaking again about the fabulous event that he has arranged for Des Moines.

The Loving Kindness Tour

~An exhibition of sacred relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist Masters~

(By the way.... they are still in need of volunteers)


Part 2 - Sharon Gillund will have a very appropriate topic for the times as we move from 3rd density into 4th. 
"Pack Your Bags"!

Pack your bags! Were going on a trip to explore conscious dying……don’t know what to pack?
That’s okay…..we are going to find out what is on the checklist of necessities for conscious dying.
As Anya Foos-Garber’s suggests in her book, "Deathing", “ Even in sickness and old age, or in the flush of youth, you can teach yourself to fly, not merely die.
Come learn how to fly!

Sharon, a long time member of Common Thread, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge spanning 22 years as a nurse working primarily in Home Health Care and Hospice. In her life long quest for spiritual awakening and service she received certifications in Death and Dying Counseling, Pastoral Counseling and Lay Ministry from Sancta Sophia Seminary. This quest also led to the field of Holistic Nursing, she began incorporating “body, mind and spirit,” into her nursing practice and is a member of the American Holistic Nursing Association. After a “near death experience,” Sharon’s understanding of death was forever changed. That understanding has fueled her passion regarding End of Life Care and guided her to start her own business dedicated to educating and assisting individuals and caregivers to make informed and empowered choices throughout the life cycle, and especially in regards to End of Life Care.