Most months we will have a special guest speaker.
Usually we will open with a brief meditation, followed by a few short announcements. (We ask that you, please, be respectful of our presenters by keeping these short. You may place additional information on the tables for people to review.) Cathy Lindsey will give her report on the astrological aspects for month.
For more on Cathy Lindsey's astrological information please go to:
The Topic for May 2nd, 2013:
Kevin Thoren will be our speaker this month. You may remember him as the one who brought the Buddha Relics to Des Moines last summer. Kevin has recently returned from a trip to Brazil, and he is excited to provide us with details of his amazing journey. I hope you will join us!
Kevin says: Over 1
million persons from across the earth with physical, emotional, mental and even
terminally ill conditions have traveled to see John of God at the spiritual
healing center named the Casa Dom Inacio in Abadiânia, Brazil
to receive these spiritual healings. This
has included over 10,000 medical doctors and researchers to confirm the numerous
levels of spiritual healings performed.
I would say many millions more have been helped as their pictures were presented or by surrogate surgeries as they could not be in the presence of John of God and his helpers. Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey have both been to see John of God. Wayne Dyer says he was cured of Leukemia.
Since 1991 after hearing a friend share his experience it had been a dream of mine to go to Brazil. This dream was finally realized in February 2013. I will share my experience while with John of God and the spiritual beings who work with him. I had an energetic surgery and I will try and explain what my experience was like. We have all discussed energy medicine. My experience with John of God has given me a greater understanding of what this truly means.
I am looking forward to sharing my journey with you and the
miracles I personally
experienced.I would say many millions more have been helped as their pictures were presented or by surrogate surgeries as they could not be in the presence of John of God and his helpers. Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey have both been to see John of God. Wayne Dyer says he was cured of Leukemia.
Since 1991 after hearing a friend share his experience it had been a dream of mine to go to Brazil. This dream was finally realized in February 2013. I will share my experience while with John of God and the spiritual beings who work with him. I had an energetic surgery and I will try and explain what my experience was like. We have all discussed energy medicine. My experience with John of God has given me a greater understanding of what this truly means.