Wednesday, December 26, 2012

January 3, 2013 - Common Thread Group

Welcome in 2013!
The Common Thread Group will meet on January  3rd in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church beginning at 7pm. We will open with a brief meditation, followed by a few short announcements (we ask that you, please, be respectful of our presenters by keeping these short.  You may place additional information on the tables for people to review). Cathy Lindsay will then give her report on the astrological aspects for month.

Our topic will be Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy
presented by Suzanne Spooner and Susan Thomas

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is an amazing process of self discovery developed by Dolores Cannon. Suzanne Spooner & Susan Thomas, practitioners trained by Dolores Cannon, will explain the transformative qualities of QHHT. The opportunity to heal physical ailments, gain deep understanding on life issues and to hear your own Higher Self speak through you are a few of the powerful benefits of QHHT.

As a special treat, Susan will go into trance so that the Common Thread group may ask questions of her High Self or other entities or groups that may wish to come through!

Susan Thomas is a gifted intuitive, Reiki practitioner and Dedicated QHHT practitioner.
Suzanne Spooner is a dedicated QHHT practitioner, Moderator for Dolores Cannon's professional forum and developer of TAUK, The Art of Universal Knowing.

    Sunday, November 25, 2012

    December 6, 2012 Common Thread Group

    We will meet again on Thursday, December 6th, in Waveland Hall in Plymouth Church at 7pm. 

    The meditation will be at the end of our gathering this month.  Ofelia Mohr will lead us in a very special Group Meditation in a Yang Spiral Formation.  You can read more about this meditation by going to Ofelia's website...

    We will begin the meeting with a few short announcements (please remember to keep this short, my dear friends!), and then Cathy Lindsey will give us her astrological update on how we are being affected by the planets!  November was a beaut; we'll see what December has in store for us.  After all, isn't that what we have been talking about all year?  In fact, that is our topic this month:


     What will happen on 12-21-12?  Will anything happen on 12-21?  Is the world supposed to end like some on the History Channel predict?  What about the Mayan Calendar - how does that fit in?  What is all this talk about ascension?  Will that happen on 12-21?

    We aren't going to say we have all the answers.  We won't even say we have all the questions, but we think the time is perfect for all of us to discuss this confusing and controversial topic at our last meeting before that magic date.

    We won't have a chosen presenter for our meeting, but a panel of active students of the topic will answer questions and discuss/debate as many issues as we have time for.  Scott Houston, Anita Shekinah, and Steve Stone, all past presenters for Common Thread, have agreed to participate and we are attempting to make contact with a fourth and perhaps fifth. 

    Please join us with your questions - and answers!  It is certain to be an entertaining evening.

    Wednesday, October 17, 2012

    November 1st, 2012 Common Thread Group

    The joining together of our physicalness is always a joyous time!  (That probably sounds like sex, but that's not my intent!  ;o)

    We will meet again on Thursday, November 1st, in Waveland Hall in Plymouth Church at 7pm.  We will begin as usual with a short meditation, a few short announcements (please remember to keep this short, my dear friends!), and then Cathy Lindsey will give us her astrological update on how we are being affected by the planets!  Don't you just love this rollcoaster ride?

    This month we will host Coralee & John Day from Fairfield, Iowa.  They will be explaining the

    The Oneness Phenomenon
    The central understanding of Oneness is that inner transformation and awakening into higher states of consciousness is not an outcome of a mere intellectual understanding but through a shift in consciousness whereby one’s experience of life is redefined at its core. This is achieved by the process of the Oneness Deeksha /Oneness Blessing which is a phenomenon sourced in the deep passion and the intent of Sri Amma & Sri Bhagavan.
    The Oneness Blessing (aka Deeksha) is an energy transfer that brings about growth in consciousness. The level of consciousness of a person determines his/her quality of life experience. For instance, one’s experience of the ongoing recession, the ability to handle misunderstanding in relationship or a daughter’s rebellious nature, what emotions surge through when diagnosed with a health problem, the level of connection with people around and the joy experienced, the intensity of passion at work etc., depend on one’s level of consciousness. As consciousness rises, there is greater awareness, joy, love, togetherness, and focus in everything that you do and experience.

    The Deeksha neither requires practicing a particular way of living nor is an initiation into following a new path. It does not bind one to any philosophy or ideology. It transcends religious and cultural barriers from the fact that it only chooses to awaken each to his/her own spiritual tradition by facilitating a neurobiological shift, thus making religion a matter of personal choice and convenience. Hence people belonging to any faith or age group can receive the Deeksha.

    The majority of the November meeting will be actual hands-on deeksha for anybody who would like it. There will be a brief introduction beforehand and a Q&A afterwards. For further information about the Oneness Phenomenon and Deeksha, please go to

    Coralee & John Dey, presenters

    Coralee & John have each been on a spiritual path for 40+ years. They've lectured and taught meditation to hundreds of people. Since 2007, they've been actively involved with the Oneness organization, having made 5 trips to India since that time. They are now Oneness Trainers and divide their time between Fairfield, Iowa and OrcasDeeksha, Oneness teachings, and various processes to help people on their road to Awakening and God consciousness. If you would like further information, please contact them at

    Saturday, September 22, 2012

    October 4th - Common Thread Group

    The Common Thread Group will meet on October 4th in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church beginning at 7pm.  We will open with a brief meditation, followed by a few short announcements (Please everyone, try to keep these short and sweet.  Remember, you can place additional information on the tables.), and then Cathy Lindsay will give her report on the astrological outlook for the month.

    It will be an exciting evening as our topic this month will be presented by Elizabeth Smith who is a Certified Teacher for the
    Awakening the Illuminated Heart® by Drunvalo Melchizedek.    

    Remembering Who We Are

    You are One with the Creator of this universe, and you always have been. Because you are One with the Creator you can personally change the world and bring peace and beauty to this entire planet. But you must change yourself first. You simply have to remember who you are. –    Drunvalo Melchizedek

    For as long as I can remember, I have had my own knowing of who God was.  My beliefs were strong; they were just a part of me, despite the religious and familial beliefs that were such a compelling influence in my life. 

     As I went through my life, I looked for others who shared this knowing.  With each passing year that I did not find them, I did not forgo my beliefs, but I held them in a little more.  I had a fear of how others would perceive me if they didn’t understand my view of God and the Universe.  I didn’t understand this fear because of the deep love and knowing for what I knew of God.  I felt alone, freakish at times.  I questioned where I would have gotten such crazy ideas.  No matter the fear, these beliefs were of me and I found great solace and comfort in them inwardly, quietly, on my own.

    Blessedly, I was introduced to the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek and finally, I realized that my knowing, my intimate connection to God was not just something I made up in my own head.  This ancient, sacred knowledge that Drunvalo shares was exactly the resonance I had been seeking all of my life

    Drunvalo created the Awakening the Illuminated Heart ® workshop to assist us in remembering who we are.  To once again live and create through the Oneness of our Hearts to ascend into Higher Consciousness.

    It is truly my great joy and honor to be a Certified Teacher for the Awakening the Illuminated Heart® workshop.  I look forward to sharing more about these sacred teachings with you. 

    Elizabeth will be teaching this 4 day workshop at Community Christ Church in West Des Moines on November 7 - 10, 2012

    Telephone 319-361-9155.

    For additional information visit

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    September 6th - Common Thread Group

    The Common Thread will meet in Waveland Hall of Plymouth Church on Thursday, Sep 6th, at 7pm.  We will begin with a short meditation, followed by a few short announcements, and Cathy Lindsey's monthly astrological report.
    This month, as we get immersed further into the crazy energies, our own Lea Stermer will speak to us and help us alleviate and transform some of these nagging issues.
    Lea's presentation is:   
    Lea says,   "Recently I realized that over the last 13 years I had acquired many healing modalities that I wanted to share with you.
    Self healing and channeling have made a definite impact on my life so we’ll talk about these.  I will also do some Channeling for the group and individuals." 

    About Lea Stermer:
    In my professional life, I was responsible for directing hospital dietetic services departments. If I may say so, criticism of hospital food is often overblown. We had a 98% approval rating in our patient food service and our cafeteria. Now that I have set that record straight, let me tell you about my spiritual journey.
    About 10 years ago a friend asked if I would like to attend a series of classes on human energy fields. I had absolutely no idea what the class would be about. Metaphysics was a word that meant nothing to me.
    I took the classes and WOW, did my life ever change. It was as if I had been living in the dark all those years. Teachers showed up, books fell off the shelf in book stores, mentors entered my life, classes were offered, friends came into my life with similar interests, energy healers appeared, massage therapists came, and seminars were advertised.
    Divine Spirit/God/Source became my focal point. My life began moving so fast toward Divine Spirit that it was as if I were on a freight train, holding on as tight as I could because of the speed. It has been an absolutely wonderful experience.
    I had no intention of becoming a healer/teacher. I thought I was learning just for my own growth. I started with becoming a Reiki Master to heal myself as my health was not the best – actually it was pretty bad. I struggled with arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. etc. I limped when I walked, and stairs were a challenge. Peopled asked me when I would have a hip replacement. My hands ached all the time. Now I move with more ease and I now feel so healthy and vigorous that I have taken up parasailing.
     Once I learned Spiritual Release Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring, Spiritual Healing Patterns, EFT and ZPoint, I was hooked on healing. This was something that had to be shared with others.
    Spirit never rests and is always adding to the depth of healing open to me.
    So now you know who I am and how I got here. Come join me in this spiritual adventure and see how life can be richer, more joyful, and healthier.
    Email me at
    Telephone (515)-296-2845 Ames Ia.
     A copy of Lea's handouts is HERE


    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    August 2nd - Common Thread Group

    The Common Thread Group will meet in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church on August 2nd, beginning at 7pm.  We will begin with a short meditation, a few short announcements (and please do keep these short especially this month), followed by Cathy Lindsay's Astrological report.

    We will have two presentations for our August meeting: 

    Part 1 - Kevin Thoren will be speaking again about the fabulous event that he has arranged for Des Moines.

    The Loving Kindness Tour

    ~An exhibition of sacred relics of the Buddha and other Buddhist Masters~

    (By the way.... they are still in need of volunteers)


    Part 2 - Sharon Gillund will have a very appropriate topic for the times as we move from 3rd density into 4th. 
    "Pack Your Bags"!

    Pack your bags! Were going on a trip to explore conscious dying……don’t know what to pack?
    That’s okay…..we are going to find out what is on the checklist of necessities for conscious dying.
    As Anya Foos-Garber’s suggests in her book, "Deathing", “ Even in sickness and old age, or in the flush of youth, you can teach yourself to fly, not merely die.
    Come learn how to fly!

    Sharon, a long time member of Common Thread, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge spanning 22 years as a nurse working primarily in Home Health Care and Hospice. In her life long quest for spiritual awakening and service she received certifications in Death and Dying Counseling, Pastoral Counseling and Lay Ministry from Sancta Sophia Seminary. This quest also led to the field of Holistic Nursing, she began incorporating “body, mind and spirit,” into her nursing practice and is a member of the American Holistic Nursing Association. After a “near death experience,” Sharon’s understanding of death was forever changed. That understanding has fueled her passion regarding End of Life Care and guided her to start her own business dedicated to educating and assisting individuals and caregivers to make informed and empowered choices throughout the life cycle, and especially in regards to End of Life Care.

    Sunday, June 24, 2012

    July 5, 2012 Common Thread Meeting

    Since Common Thread is the day after Independence Day this year, and many people are busy or on vacation, our meeting is going to be a little different than usual.

    We will begin at 7pm in Waveland Hall at Plymouth, as usual, but this month we will have an informal  "Get Acquainted" time.  There are so many new faces among us, and we really do not have the time in our normal meetings to just meet, get to know one another, and chat.   It's a chance for us all to learn more about each other.  It's important that we work together as spiritual beings.   Then if we want to, we can break into smaller groups to discuss different topics that might be of interest to each of us. 

    If you are in town, on July 5th, I hope that you'll join us!

    Wishing you love and light in every aspect of your life!
    Bev Stone
    The Common Thread Group

    Sunday, May 20, 2012

    June 7th, 2012 - Common Thread Group

    Here is a copy of Steve's Presentation Notes: Steve's Notes 6-7-12

    Our June 7th meeting will start at 7pm at Plymouth Church in Waveland Hall. We will begin with the usual meditation. Cathy Lindsey will deliver our astrological outlook for June (which should be full of more crazy energies).  Then we will have a few short announcements. (Please, do keep them short, dear ones.)

    Our topic this month will be "Current Events Affecting Ascension".  Steve Stone will be our presenter and he says his goal is to have the very latest, up-to-date information concerning the financial, economic, and governmental changes that are/will be dramatically affecting our lives.  Steve has followed events carefully on the internet over the last few years as activity has speeded up.   He spends a great deal of time analyzing it and discussing with others who are similarly focused.  His discussion will include:
    • Our need for individual discernment on what others (including him) have to say
    • Comparison of the "Want to Know" position and it's risk of negativity versus the "Stay Away from the News" position and it's risk of shocking events
    • The big picture of the Ascension process
    • A brief history of the original 13th Amendment
    • NESARA
    • Current Financial Liens on the Federal Reserve
    • And whatever new stuff happens between now and an hour before the meeting
     An important aspect will be sharing his techniques of studying internet sites and views of the ones he considers "most trusted".

    It will be a controversial night guaranteed to push a few beliefs as well as a few buttons.

    Thursday, April 26, 2012

    May 3rd, 2012 - Common Thread Group

    Our May 3rd meeting begins at 7pm at Plymouth Church in Waveland Hall.  We will begin with the usual meditation, followed by a few short announcements, and Cathy Lindsey's monthly Astrological report.

    I'm excited to welcome one of our dear members, Denise Vazquez, as our speaker with a very timely topic....
    Mothering our mother earth.   Denise will provide answers to common questions that prevent us from moving forward in the right direction to purify our environment.  One person does make a difference; one person makes all the difference!  I will shed light on various ways to make this a better world for all of us, from the proper way to recycle, to new uses for old things, from non-toxic facial toner, to chemical free compost activator, from homesteading to buying local, etc.  Small changes make a big impact!  We can do this!

    Denise graduated summa cum laude from upper Iowa university with a bachelor's in elementary education.  Currently working from home, doing intuitive readings while raising two children, volunteering in the community, teaching what she knows, and playing in the dirt.  Denise is Clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and claircognizant:  seeing, feeling, hearing, and knowing what most do not.  She loves to teach others to use their abilities!  Harassed by her guides to teach environmentalism for years, she has finally given! 

    Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    Indigo Interest - Send Email

    There has been some interest by some parents to create an
    "Indigo Kid Club".
    Kimberly Kelley has decided to see what she can do to actually make this happen.
    If you have an interest, please contact Kimberly via email at .

    Thank you Kelley!  This is such an important task for the children and for the parents!

    Wednesday, March 7, 2012

    April Common Thread moved to April 12th

    As most of you know, Common Thread meets on the first Thursday of the month.  This month, however, the first Thursday falls on the Church Holiday, Maundy Thursday.  So, we have moved our meeting to the second Thursday, April 12th, for this month ONLY.

    We are meeting at the same time, 7pm, in Waveland Hall.  The meeting will open with a short meditation, Cathy Lindsey's monthly astrological report and a few short announcements.  Then we are extremely fortunate to have Michael Mapes return with a very special presentation that during these difficult times could be very helpful.

    Enlightened Empowerment: Living lives full of abundance, joy and contentment is our birthright. Join Michael as he speaks about the importance of conscious spirituality, intuition and daily spiritual practice in creating lives that reflect enlightened empowerment.

    Michael Mapes

    Psychic Medium, Speaker, Author

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    March 1st, 2012 - Common Thread

    Our March 1st meeting will begin at 7pm in Waveland Hall at Plymouth.  We will begin our meeting with a short meditation, a few announcements of upcoming events, and Cathy Lindsey's astronomical report for the month.

    This will be followed by... An Evening with Mudita Sabato

    Come experience the Path of Love; Sufism, Archetypes and a Whirling Dervish!

    If one has ever lived an interfaith life it is Mudita Sabato!  RaisedCatholic, in her early 20s she studied with a Lakota Sioux Medicine woman, and later found herself on the path of Hinduism. She has studied the daily prayers of Islam, and in her 30s lived in the Himalayan Mountains to study Tibetan Buddhism with Lama Tenzin Choden. These explorations have helped Mudita to develop inwardly and to further her inner understanding of the Mystical Caravan Path of Sufism: The Path of Heart. In the 1980’s she became a Sufi Initiate, where she has traveled for the past 25 years.  Some would even call her a Whirling Dervish! Today, she is a teacher and group facilitator of sacred dance, walks, music, voice, movement and whirling as meditation, all interwoven in her experiential workshops guiding the journey of the heart and soul.

    Archetype Session's available, Friday, March 2, 10:00 - 4:00

    For information contatct Munira at 515-288-3389, or Mudita:


    Sunday, January 15, 2012

    February 2, 2012 - Common Thread

    The Common Thread will begin at 7pm in Waveland Hall at Plymouth for our February gathering.   This month we will begin with Cathy Lindsey giving her astrological report for the month, followed by a few short announcements.  (We ask that you do keep these brief, please.)

    We are not beginning with our usual meditation, as our speaker, James Phillips, will provide a meditation for us during his presentation.  The presentation is:

    Living in Truth

    Do you often feel unhappy and focus too easily on what’s wrong in your life? Do you spend too much time thinking about your job, future, money, or life partner? Have you taken on so many different personas that you’ve created a life full of stress and chaos?

    If so, you need to reflect on the person that you’ve created. Schopenhauer says “It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.” Come to the Living in Truth Lecture to learn how to live fully, to love wastefully and to have the courage to be your most complete self. Come to the lecture to “connect the dots” between a veritable treasure trove of teachings left us by the ancient wisdom-keepers of Egypt and the promise of living a more meaningful life today. Come to the lecture and help birth a new ethic, a stronger sense of community, a heartfelt desire for a new world grounded in the kind of love -- compassion, kindness, caring, sharing -- that we all want to receive and so desperately need to give to each other.

    James Phillips, Egyptologist, Author, and Businessman is the owner of Living in Truth LLC which is dedicated to “connecting the dots” between people of all faiths and the ancient wisdom-keepers of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, Japan, Korea, China and of the indigenous cultures of our world. His ambition is to make relevant a veritable treasure trove of ancient teachings for today’s modern audiences, to present them as ethical options in our time, and to assist in the restoration of a truth-grounded world for us all.

    Jim is the creator of the best-selling imaginization series of pre-recorded audios as well as the Total Relax and Super Study CD Albums which use the exclusive Total Mind multi-layered audio guidance systems to support listeners in deep relaxation, rejuvenating sleep cycles, power napping, focused attention and other extraordinary states of awareness.

    Jim is a graduate of the prestigious Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia and travels extensively throughout the USA and the world conducting book signings and presenting the “Living in Truth Lecture”.