Tuesday, September 24, 2013

October 3rd Common Thread Group

The Common Thread Group meets the first Thursday of the month in Waveland Hall at Plymouth Church beginning at 7pm.

Most months we will honored with a special guest speaker.

Usually we will open with a brief meditation, followed by a few short announcements. (We ask that you, please, be respectful of our presenters by keeping these short. You may place additional information on the tables for people to review.)   

Cathy Lindsey will give her report on the astrological aspects for month.

For more on Cathy Lindsey's astrological information please go to:

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology




On Thursday, October 3rd, Barbara Gabriel will join us once again with her inspired words of wisdom.  Barbara's topic is:  

One Foot in Heaven, Two Here on Earth

With all the new energy coming in, you still need to live and function in your earth life.  Barbara is addressing some of the spiritual changes happening on the planet and then sharing how to take a few simple steps to enhance your experiences, allowing you a bit more of heaven in your human life!~

Barbara Gabriel is an intuitive life counselor, who has been teaching in-demand and informative workshops on practical spirituality for more than 30 years.
Over the course of her career, Barbara has been privileged to work with
thousands people, from all walks of life, teaching them how to recognize and release internal blocks which allow the creation of new opportunities. More importantly, she teaches you how to remember, reconnect, and enliven your essential Being, ultimately expanding your internal awareness, and your connection to the Universe.

Barbara will be available for readings while she's in town. 

You may reach her at 707-602-7898 or through the website above.


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